

Day 4- I have such a great sister. I found this when I opened my cabinet to search for some breakfast… I wish that I could say that it has made me feel better today, but I can’t quite do that. I can say that it did make me smile when I first came upon it, but now that I have been sitting on my couch for hours looking at job sites, and thinking about the future, I can’t really cheer up much. It is a strange feeling that I have: there is this emptiness, but it is more than that.. I don’t even know if there is a word for what I am feeling. It’s a result of realizing that the planning I was putting into my future, the things that I thought I would be able to achieve by a certain deadline are no longer attainable, no longer happening. I don’t know what to do.

Thankfully, I have family and friends who are concerned about me and wont let me get too down on myself, when they are around, anyways. When I am by myself during the day, my Situation seems so bleak and depressing, I can barely handle it.

Day 4

Day 3

It is the third day of me being unemployed (for the second time in less than a year, let me add), the first Monday of not going to work, the first day of actively searching for work. I don’t know what I intend to do with this page.. maybe I will use it to keep myself honest? A public record to hold myself accountable? Who knows. I think it might just be a way for me to spend some time away from staring at my resume and trying to cleverly word a cover letter to illustrate to some stranger why I would be the best fit for whatever the position they are offering.

It is not true though – the part where I said  today is the first day I am doing anything about my “Situation.” I immediately reached out through friends and family to share what had happened to me, to see if anybody knew of any work, to advertise my baby sitting abilities. Today IS, however, the first day of me allowing what happened to sink in, to accept it as reality.  For the past few days I have almost catatonically been saying, “I can’t believe this happened” sometimes adding “to me.” But today, I want to move past that. It HAS happened to me; I have always tried to rationalize that things happen for a reason, call it fate, or whatever. “So it goes” is a mantra that I have repeated over and over, for years.

As I want this to be more about what I am going to do, and less about what has been done, I won’t go into too much detail about what led to me being told “we have to let you go” (words that I really want to stop echoing in my ears).  What I will say is that I left a stable (but boring) job to work for a small start-up, and while I was waiting for instruction, they were waiting for me to take initiative.. and then fired me after 3 weeks because of this, without ever reprimanding me, warning me, or even given me direction as to what I should be doing.

Today I made a check list of what I need to do to begin the search for another job, again.  I was relieved when I saw that it was getting longer and longer, as this meant that I would have more to do all week. The more I have to do, the less time I have to just sit around and worry about what is going to happen to me now that I no longer have a reliable income. The shitty thing is, though, that I have pretty much finished the list. It wasn’t even that long, I think I was just really hoping that this week would be full, with little thinking time. I filed for unemployment, updated my resume on LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster, and the Virginia Jobs website. Which doesn’t sound like much, but the last one took at least two hours. Ugh. <– I really can’t say that enough.  I also had to respond to a couple of friends who had been looking out for me, and also.. Laundry.

I guess on the bright side, everything is about to be so much cleaner.


Reddit and I just became BFF’s.  I know that most of its users use it to procrastinate at work, but being unemployed make’s it an even guiltier pleasure.  At first I thought it was just gifs and imgur, but man, there is so much more!  Yesterday, after I had already browsed many different subreddits I stumbled upon the “ask reddit” sub reddit, and was hooked. Before I sort of liked reddit, after reading the responses to “what would you do if you won $100 million and could only spend it on evil?” (http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1sntl4/you_win_100_million_but_can_only_spend_it_on_evil/) I was done.  My life might as well be over, I was sitting here reading the funniest answers to my unappreciative roommates. Hopefully they will warm up to it so that we will be able to have intelligent conversations, as opposed to them just nodding along with whatever I say.

It is not only interesting, it is helpful and educational. Somebody Asked Reddit for suggestions of what a person can do in 6 months that would not only look great on a resume, but also be useful.  Speaking from the perspective of someone who is having trouble finding a job, this was one of the best things I could have stumbled upon. I mean, I have a college education, but I feel like I am unprepared for many of the positions that should be fitting for a communications major.  (http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1sn8ki/what_is_a_skill_someone_can_learn_in_6_months/)

I will end my reddit love rant with my favorite, and oh so appropriate comment from the What would you do if you won $100 million – someone said he would get rid of reddit, as the most evil thing, to which someone immediately responded that that would probably be the best thing for the world because employees wouldn’t have such a great source of procrastination and then the economy would all of a sudden recover with everyone getting back to work and actually being efficient.

“Sometimes she …

“Sometimes she did not know what she feared, what she desired: whether she feared or desired what had been or what would be, and precisely what she desired, she did not know.”

-Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Today I watched Anna Karenina for the first time. I had tried to read the book when I was younger, but I loved this movie so much that I think I will give it another try.  I am partial to Kiera Knightly in general, but what I loved the most about this movie was the ways that the scenes transitioned. If you have not seen it, stop being lame like me and get on it.

Also, I must subconsciously have been in the mood for movies about unfaithful spouses because I followed this movie with Matchpoint (Jude Law AND Scarlett Johannson??? AND Emily Mortimer?)